Stay In Lane


Nature photography is not just about the place or beautiful flower or bird you see.  It may be a good start .. but if we end with it, our cameras have probably only clicked an image with the resolution it supports obeying our orders of the apertures, shutter speed, etc. period. That image may be good for a book to describe it.

Neither that we need to constantly think about the art we want to present or produce!

There is much more than that.

Connect with what you like there… It may be a great scene, a flock of birds, a tiger kill … anything! by the way you can’t buy this connection on bhphoto or eBay.

It comes from within!

I spend a lot of time, just getting the feel of the place. Watching the birds, listening to them and also the wind, that sometimes roars at you or whispers at times … or just the little moments of silence… everything …

Would you connect with someone without knowing? and I am not talking about Facebook connect.

This connection really takes me away from being a photographer or even being a human … and as only a living being, I start exploring..sometimes going past the familiar things and getting curious about every little new thing I see. It may just be very random.

Have you seen the joy of a baby seeing something familiar, the laugh that it brings? And the sudden pause after a sudden change in the familiar pattern? Have you tried feeling it? If I have to think of my feelings then, that’s probably what I get closer to.

Thinking more at a tiny level, showing curiosity about every little thing that we see as new or repetitive, and enjoying it also helps us and inspires us to capture it and share it with others.

Sand dunes are some of the most favorite places to photograph. I have spent countless hours exploring sand dunes in Idaho. ..mornings, evenings, or nights. Every time it amazed me with a new secret that it was hiding.

On this day in the morning, as I walked around on the dunes, enjoying the patterns created by the wind the night before, I saw these avian prints following the lines. It was very interesting to see this… why would a bird or an animal almost just follow those lines? Was it an instinct, or did it really see it?

Simply, this is a wonderful sight, and focusing only on this interesting behavior keeps the viewers interested in what I had seen and was enjoying. Thus allowing the viewer to forget about anything else and being only a natural being…

It’s not a matter of how much you have captured. It’s what you captured is what you felt and others feel when they see it!


Clouds were below!